Saturday, February 10, 2018

Favorite Valentine's Fonts for Kids

I know, I know, I was just practically mocking all the cute, childish valentine's fonts on my previous post. I don't hate fun Valentine fonts, I just think they aren't always appropriate ~ like if I'm making a Valentine for my husband ;) 

Anyways ... here some of my favorite KID fonts for Valentine's Day...

List of fun fonts for kids

To download the fonts for yourself click on the names below!

if you're looking for a more grown up font you can find our list of romantic fonts here 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Favorite Romantic Fonts - For Grown Up Valentine's

When looking for Valentine's Day fonts I notice most tend to be geared toward cute, childish designs {not that there is anything wrong with that} but... what about fonts for grown up valentines?

I just don't think a love note to your spouse or significant other would have the same effect if it has hearts and curls swirling throughout the text; so I've decided to compile a list of more romantic valentine's fonts.

{{ Oh, if you'd rather have the hearts and curls, you're in luck, you can find some of those fonts in my blog post here ;) }}

To download the fonts for yourself click on the names below!